I asked that the slides be uploaded onto the meeting agenda website…they still are not there. . SEE #13 with a power delivery term of 15.5 years with an expected Start Date of January 1, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $783,000,000 BACKGROUND: At its September 14, 2023 meeting,...
During the study, therapists are obliged to attend weekly peer supervision or supervision by an EMDR or ImRs supervisor at their site. Moreover, therapists and site supervisors can consult an expert for questions regarding EMDR (Christopher Lee) and ImRs (Arnoud Arntz). Treatment recordings can ...
**10. REMINDER: Pedal Power at Tuesday's Council Meeting. TakE6'Nour turn on the power-generating bicycle, which will be set up for Tuesday's C9\Jncii meeting. This media event is designed to promote energy conservation and fhe electricity generated will power a TV spotlight set up to il...
4.5ContractorSupervisor5 4.6Employee5 5.0INSTRUCTIONS6 6.0MEETINGAGENDA7 7.0REFERENCES8 8.0ATTACHMENTS8 PR-8560-0000-0605RevA WeeklyHSEInterfaceMeetings Page2of8 CSPCNanhaiPetrochemicalsProject Bechtel-SEI-FosterWheelerPMC 1.0SCOPE ThisprocedureappliestoPMCandallEP/CContractorsontheProject. ...
A number of people have noticed how many themes from sexual harassment cases appear: The boss maneuvered a 1-on-1 meeting and made inappropriate suggestions. Later, Comey asked his immediate supervisor not to leave him alone with the boss, but the supervisor just shrugged. When he tried to ...
Please contact your County Supervisor and ask about this…and demand a few town hall meetings. 454-2200 Board of Supervisors CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING I tried to participate in the California Energy Commission business meeting this week, but they could not hear me, due to technological ...