Delivered every Monday by 10 a.m., Weekly Trade examines the latest news in global trade politics and policy. By signing up, you acknowledge and agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the directions at the bottom of the email or by...
frequency -- Cases of specified notifiable diseases: United States for weeks ended November 18, 1967 and November 19, 1966 (46th week) -- Deaths in 122 United States cities for week ended November 18, 1967 Epidemiologic notes and reports: Human case of cowpox - Indiana -- Hepatitis - U....
(“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” has a similar plot), this is the work of scientific fact rather than Hollywood fiction. And unlike a sensationalist blockbuster, the story behind the Midnight Terror Cave is grounded in years of painstaking research, from high-tech b...
doing search-and-rescue, and surveying the damage. Indiana has also deployed a search-and-rescue team. Government at all levels seems to have worked effectively, which is probably why the press has been more interested
Indiana (Part 2) In most states, tractors are used for agricultural purposes and it's just this thing that farmers use as part of their jobs. But Indiana is the state where people ride tractors for fun. Because there is absolutely nothing in the world to do there. There’s a reason wh...