Spring, summer, fall and winter programs are offered as weekly classes which typically take place once per week for a 5-8 week period. Spring Sports Programs Preschoolers - Parent & Me Classes| ages 18 months - 3 Various sports options where you and your child participate in the class toget...
Concentration camps isolate unpopular and dehumanized groups in harsh conditions outside of public view; death camps target them for extermination. Dachau was a concentration camp when it opened in 1933, but it didn’t become a death camp until much later.) However, the federal law enforcement...
Immigrant detention camps — there’s a debate about whether to call them “concentration camps”— are being assembled on military bases. This also was envisioned in Trump’s executive order: Heads of executive departments and agencies shall, to the extent consistent with law, make available to...
The New York Optimist is a Weekly Online Magazine, focusing on the Arts, Travel, Dining, Real Estate, Vacation Rentals, Music, and Many Popular Cultural Subjects
At the concentration camp, “The first thing that our tour guide did was impress upon us, in no uncertain terms, that Hitler was a terrible man, that the things that happened under his rule were indescribably inhumane, and that the concentration camps were death camps, pure and simple, with...
True, Pence would not have to answer for Trump’s long series of outrageous tweets. He could make his own version of Biden’s case that the adults were in charge again. But Trump’s base loves those tweets and doesn’t want adults to be in charge. They identify with Trump because he...
If we want to talk about what is seriously harmful to children, let’s have a bill to ban children from going to these Bible camps where they’re being sexually assaulted with the Southern Baptist Convention. Let’s go after real threats to our youth. Let’s go after the predatory behavi...
The justification for holding asylum seekers in concentration camps is that they won’t show up for their hearings, and instead will just vanish into the general immigrant population. At a rally last January, Trump claimed that only 2% show up “And those people, you almost don’t want, bec...
We have camps where we keep thousands of people who have done nothing wrong. We could just let them live normal lives while they wait for hearings, but instead we have made their lives unpleasant because that serves our purpose: It is supposed to intimidate other people out of coming here....