My parents were stretched quite thin financially while I was growing up, so saving was always emphasized, and I got my own bank account to do so when I was 14. I was mainly left to my own devices when it came to my money, but I saved as much as I could and educated myself on ...
i turn to my phone in times of boredom, discomfort, and all-around laziness, and i bop from app to app until i decide it’s time to do something else. i spend a fair amount of time on my phone—more than some of my friends, but less than others. or, in other words: enough to...
CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 8. Rebello C, Greenway FL, Dhurandhar NV Functional foods to promote weight loss and satiety Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 17 (6) (2014), pp. 596-604 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 9. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Energy ...
A copy of the consent form will be provided to the participant at the baseline appointment. The following sections detail each study and data collection time point (see also Table 1. SPIRIT Figure). Pre-baseline Once a participant has provided consent, their pre-baseline data can be ...