1 或省略 数字 1(星期日)至 7(星期六) 2 数字 1(星期一)至 7(星期日),适合中国习惯 3 数字 0(星期一)至 6(星期日) 11 数字 1(星期一)至 7(星期日) 12 数字 1(星期二)至 7(星期一) 13 数字 1(星期三)至 7(星期二) 14 数字 1(星期四)至 7(星期三) 15 数字 1(星期五)至 7(星期四...
The Dax just gives me a static number when used as a calculated column expression Message 5 of 9 180 Views 0 Reply Ahmedx Super User In response to rdini8 02-05-2024 02:31 AM you can't create a calculated column based on a slice, power bi doesn't support that I create...
and this would be used as a slicer in the Power BI report and create a calculated measure for the total Sales for each fiscal year as well as another measure to show the total sales for the selected fiscal week number in same fiscal week in the previous fiscal year. The challenge...
Create a Weeknumber column = weeknumber([Sale date]) Create a Sales measure = sum([sale area]) In thie chart, put the Weeknumber column in the X
Please see my sample DAX below: previous = CALCULATE(max(tab[currentweek]), (FILTER(ALL(tab),tab[Weeknumber]=MAX(tab[Weeknumber])-1))) Trend= max(tab[currentweek])-[previous] As i test in POWERBI Desktop, this works properly for me. ...
In Power BI, or to be more specific, inDAX, we do not have a direct way of calculating the week of quarter. Although, there is a WEEKNUM function in DAX, it returns the week number of the year and not the quarter or month.
You need to create a week number column using dax function weeknum() and then build a custom hierarchy using the date column and the week number column. You can refer to tutorial below about how to build custom hierarchy column in power bi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWvVeYU0Dv...
Avg Sales Per Week Day using DAX Hi, all. I have a dimension table that is a standard date dimension table - has all the usual elements (date, day of week, week number, month number, etc). I also have a fact table with sales for each date. I am interested in getting the average...
可以是一组固定的日期,也可以是日期的DAX表达式。 第二参数:返回类型。...WEEKDAY例子: WEEKDAY类型1 = WEEKDAY ( '示例'[时间], 1 ) 结果: [1240] WEEKDAY类型2 = WEEKDAY ( '示例'[时间], 2 ) 结果: [...白茶会不定期的分享一些函数卡片哦。 (文件在知识星球PowerBI丨需求圈) [1240] 这里是...