WeekdayName(weekday[, abbreviate] [,firstdayofweek]) WeekdayName함수 구문에는 다음과 같은 인수가 사용됩니다. 인수 설명 weekday 필수 요소입니다. 요일의 숫자 지정입니다. 매일의 숫자 값은firstdayofweek설정...
SELECT Weekdayname(« 1 ») AS Expr1 FROM ProductSales ; Renvoie le nom « Complet » du jour de la semaine pour le numéro représentant le « Jour de la semaine ». Résultat : « Lundi ». SELECT Weekdayname(« 10 »,True) AS WeekdayTest FROM ProductSales ; ...
Returns a string value containing the name of the specified weekday. C# Copy public static string WeekdayName (int Weekday, bool Abbreviate = false, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeekValue = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.System); Parameters Weekday Int32 Required. Integer. ...
1. How to get a weekday name in excel from a date: Formatting method Formatting method involves the use of different date formats and converting them back to the day of the week, there are many different formats available when it comes to writing what date it is , we c...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.WorkWeekDay.Name in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject namespace.
public static string WeekdayName (int Weekday, bool Abbreviate = false, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeekValue = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.System); 參數 Weekday Int32 必要。 整數。 以 1 到 7 的數值指派週間日,1 表示一週的第一天,7 表示一週的...
WeekdayName(weekday,缩写,firstdayofweek) WeekdayName函数语法包含以下部分: Part说明 工作日必填。 表示一周中的某一天的数字标识。 一周中的每一天的 Numeric 值取决于firstdayofweek设置的设置。 缩写可选。 指示一周中的每一天的名称是否为缩写的Boolean值。 如果省略,则默认值为False,其意味着一周中的每一天...
weekday Get the name and number of the current weekday. Or get the name of the weekday for a given number. Install Install withnpm: $ npm install --save weekday Usage varweekday=require('weekday');weekday();//=> 'Sunday' (current day)weekday('Sunday');//=> '1'weekday(1);...
mooli 借自印地语(Hindi,印度国语),意为“萝卜”,最终则源于古印度的梵语(Sanskrit),意为“根”。事实上,radish 源自拉丁语(与radical “根本的”、eradicate “根除”同源),本意也是“根”。daikon 和 mooli 都算是常见的英语单词,代表的就是萝卜的默认...