When you’re pregnant, your baby is changing every day. Consider this week-by-week pregnancy tracker your ultimate guide to the next nine months of pregnancy.
Our complete pregnancy guide gives you expert info and advice about your growing baby and the changes in your body, by week and by trimester.
Use The Bump’s week-by-week pregnancy guide to learn about your pregnancy symptoms by week and see pregnancy week-by-week ultrasounds.
Get a natural perspective on your entire pregnancy with the 100% free Mama Natural pregnancy week-by-week series. See what's up with baby and mama, discover natural remedies, and learn how to prepare for your best and most natural birth!
Welcome to Parents’ week-by-week guide to pregnancy. First—congratulations. Pregnancy can be an exciting time. It can also be nerve-wracking and overwhelming. Is this symptom normal? What can I expect at an appointment? Should I go with a midwife or OB-GYN, and do I need a doula?
or you're just wondering what to expect as pregnancy stages tick by week by week, you are not alone. If you're experiencing the first symptoms of pregnancy or wondering when pregnancy symptoms start, you can look forward to week 13, or the start of the second trimester, when early ...
Your unborn baby is continuing to grow at week 23 of pregnancy, and your body is transforming before your eyes. Here's what to expect.
By now your baby is able to bend its fingers Your baby's eyebrows are beginning to grow Your baby will grow 30-fold in weight and triple in length Advertisement You at 10 weeks pregnant By week 10 of pregnancy you may start to notice a little bump appearing. Your baby is growing so ...
Glow Nurture is the most comprehensive pregnancy app on the market. With Glow Nurture, you can track your pregnancy, learn about baby development, and connect w…
You have reached week 18 and are not far from being half way through your pregnancy! How big is my baby at 18 weeks pregnant? By week 18 your baby will be about 14.2cm long, weighing nearly 190g and similar to a large onion in size. ...