It can also help to defend you against snakes, rodents, wild dogs or felines and other smaller critters like spiders or insects that happen to cross your path. For "how to" information and more interesting applications for theWEED TWISTERsee theQuick Tipspage. ...
Although the really toxic ingredient in slug pellets (metaldehyde) is now banned, you might have some of the old product in the shed. It’s poisonous to birds and pets as well as gastropods and SHOULD NOT BE USED. DON”T let the cat out at night. According to a Landscape & Urban P...
Great for pulling weeds under brush or close to thorny cactus plants and brambles, as well as poison ivy and other toxic plants, in addition to lawn weeds underfoot like Dandelions. No foot levers or hinged tines that often break loose with repeated use! Use the Drill-Ready TurboTorx models...
Environmental impact is also a huge concern of mine. Some studies have suggested that glyphosate may be toxic to these bees, butterflies, and some other aquatic life. I’m not a granola, all-natural person…but if vinegar works, I’m going to choose it over glyphosate every day! Recommende...
not the going down in the freezing cold to make sure they still have water, not the suturing up of a rooster who the dogs got ahold of, not the hand feeding several times a day of a baby chick that could not stand or walk …none of that. What makes chicken keeping so incredibly ha...