Please rethink what you are using around your yard. As for weeds, especially the ones in cracks etc. plain old vinegar works. Been using it for years. Don’t particularly like the smell, but it doesn’t last that long really. Just my two cents. Love your emails. Reply Anne says ...
Chances are you already know how to plant something in your yard, but if not, it’s pretty simple. Dig a hole roughly twice as deep as the roots of your new plant and about one and a half times as wide. Drop the plant into the hole and backfill with the dirt you removed when di...
SEEALSO:GARDENS,YARDWORK,NATURE,GREENS,FLOWERS,SPRING A weed is but an unloved flower!... All sin is virtue unevolved. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox, "The Weed,"New Thought Pastels, 1906 I always think of my sins when I weed. They grow apace in the same way and are harder still to get rid...
If you’ve got space in your yard for an outdoor living oasis, you should consider a pergola. You can even build your own and save a lot of money in the process. Today I’ve got 12 pergola building tips for you. It includes a step-by-step guide to help you build your very own...
I took a couple of hand-fulls of my night-time feed mix and threw it onto an area of about 1 square yard, right next to their current feeding area, where they get the kitchen scraps. They all eagerly went for it ….so I sat down in their old feed area, compost run 1, which ...
Many of the so-called “weeds” that you find in your backyard are perfectly edible wild greens. Here is a list of 20 common edible weeds. See if you can identify any in your yard or in nature. Not only can you eat these super-nutritious plants, but also knowing about them may make...
RELATED:The Invincible Yard: 25 Ideas for Lazy Landscaping How to Remove Weeds From Your Lawn and Keep Them From Coming Back In your quest to keep the landscape weed-free, it’s easy to make some overzealous mistakes. Before trying your hand atgetting rid of weeds, read on for the right...
Chances are, you’ve noticed a few weeds in your garden or yard, out of a crack in a sidewalk or in the schoolyard when you’re conducting outdoor classes. Wherever you are, weeds are there. The presence of these plants in places no one has planted them is a readi...
"Give a weed an inch and it will take a yard." - Author Unknown "A man of words and not deeds, Is like a garden full of weeds." - Nursery rhyme "Long live the weeds that overwhelm My narrow vegetable realm! The bitter rock, the barren soil ...
Careful ergonomic engineering results in more punch per pound for this amazing tool. Like a ninja weapon, you will appreciate the deft power of this tool, especially when facing a bumper crop of uninvited weeds and misplaced plants in your yard! Below you see one of our neighbors, an Expert...