Specializing in the removal of muck, weeds, and algae, Weeds B’ Gone offers a variety of services and products for keeping your waterfront pristine.
Years ago, we installed a wooden privacy fence (with several gates) to give our yard a bit more structure, to offer a nice backdrop to our flowers and shrubs, to make it easier to control our weeds, and (at the time) to keep our babies and toddlers safely within our property! I ne...
Also a big thanks toG.(Mrs Godard) for sending a few words and some pics from their garden. “It’s been a funny year weather wise, the early heat and sun meant many annuals and perennials flowered early and have now gone to seed, whereas the dismal August means some, like theMirabil...
A.By making it look like before.B.By furmishing it herself. C.By splitting the rent with a roommate.D.By cancelling the rental agreement. 27.What trend in DIY does the research show? A.It is becoming more costly...
Yet at just gone 9 this morning the sun was blazing, so a bit of early “tipping about” was in order so I tidied up the beds down the left hand side of the garden. This can you believe was once where a couple of greenhouses stood before one of the previous owners smashed them ...