Look for Peters brand plant food at local garden centers and local Ace Hardware stores. Ace Hardware Superstore also sells Peters All Purpose Plant Food on its website. Peters is a product of Spectrum Brands, Inc. sea-buckthorn image by MoonKeeper fromFotolia.com Buckthorn, an invasive plant ...
$16 at AmazonShop at Ace Hardware Pros Covers 7,500 square feet Kills weeds for up to 6 months Cons Requires a sprayer This Bio-Advanced Ready-to-Spray Weed Killer is both affordable and effective. Less than $17, it covers up to 7,500 square feet and, not only does this formula ...
don't be in a hurry to take a crack at the issues if the sun is still blazing in the heat of summer. Weed and feed do best when applied at the beginning and end of the season. If it is applied in the middle of summer, the benefits of the feed...