Precision automated weed control using hyperspectral vision identification and heated oil. Proceedings American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ASABE), Paper #096365, Reno NV.Zhang Y,Staab E S,Slaughter D C,et al.Precision auto-mated weed control using hyperspectral vision ...
This dictionary was prepared under the auspices of the European Weed Research Society using material gathered in connection with the Society's symposia on scientific aspects of weed control. Almost 3000 technical and scientific forms in English, Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Po...
Detecting Weeds and Bare-spots in Wild Blueberry using Ultrasonic Technology. ASABE/American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Reno, NV/St. Joseph, MI, p. 096879, 21-24 June http://www.asabe.orgSwain, K.C., Zaman, Q.U., Schumann, A.W., Percival, D.C., Nams, D.,...
(Hagen Electronics; Reno, NV, USA). Tubers were separated into non-marketable (<113 g or visual defects) and marketable (>113 g) yields. Ten tubers from each plot were randomly selected for hollow heart and sun scald evaluation. Hollow heart was detected by slicing each potato in half ...