Best 65 funny Wednesday memes to make your hump day a little more enjoyable. Wednesday is one day that people either dread or get excited over. You can get the craziest and funny Wednesday memes, quotes, and pictures to brighten your day and give you a sigh of relief that the week is ...
Prayer.Lord, we beseech you, pour out your grace into our hearts; so that, knowing the incarnation of your Son Jesus Christ by the message of an angel, we may be brought to the glory of his resurrection by his cross and passion. We ask this through Jesus Christ who lives and reigns ...
Every Wednesday, my husband and I have a study group with our friends. I attend church. We try to devote time in the morning, say a prayer. —Carrie Underwood 0 Ash Wednesday Quotes Ash Wednesday is full of joy...The source of all sorrow is the illusion that of ourselves we are anyt...
For 40 days I blogged on various topics surrounding the season, Jesus, the church and spirituality. These posts are updated thru the years to remain relevant to the times and my personal beliefs. 40 Days of Lent Each day of Lent, I wrote about a different topic related to the Lenten sea...
Yesterday as a thankfulfully vaccinated guy, I’m getting ready to attend church to say a prayer or two and practice my religion. The smoke from numerous wildfires has finally cleared so the prospects are good for open air shopping at the farmer’s market. ...
This year I resumed our family’s tradition of “Soup and Prayer” during penitential seasons – inviting friends to show up to share a pot of something warm and a half hour of Psalms & Canticles. But if I’m honest, these are only tokens. Like punctuation, they just place the tiniest...
If we grow wiser and more learned in our intercourse with wise and learned persons, how much more will we gain in our inner life by communing with God in prayer. —Huldrych Zwingli 120 Riches are for the comfort of life, and not life for the accumulation of riches. I asked a holy wis...