Regardless of all the current facts, the proponents of the Wednesday crucifixion theory still say, “But one cannot get three days and three nights from Good Friday to Easter Sunday. This is only one day and two nights, what about the other two days and one night? Friday can’t possibly ...
The late afternoon storms last Tuesday afternoon (Australian Eastern Summer Time) brought down a huge neigbouring tree on to the Cammeray Church site – one of two church properties where I am part-time interim senior minister. No one was harmed – for which we thank the Lord. But the bui...
Waiting overnight, by the next morning,Long’smain deck, just after the forecastle about midships, was underwater, while her screws were showing on the stern. Her back was broken. There was nothing left to save. Landing on the sinking ship with 12 volunteers to make sure the ship’s se...
The so-called “Princes of the Church” will spend the night in a Vatican hotel before returning to the frescoed Sistine Chapel on Wednesday to continue their votes, with two rounds set for the morning and two for the afternoon. 10 March Power Struggle on Reforming Vatican Bank (NYT) the...
me. Then I realized church was about to start. Normally, I would have been screaming, “Why me, Lord? I was headed to Your house!” But I just got out and walked toward the gas station a couple miles away. I threw in my AirPods and listened to the service online. The Spirit of ...
As we gathered around the Table the most familiar words struck me in a new way. “On the night when he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread.” What could be a fiercer fire of humanity than the experience of betrayal? With what strength did Christ’s humanity wrestle in that moment...
To repair and restore the Church in the world: pray a Rosary (5 decades) each day for one of the five great Sees lost to Islam so long ago: Monday for Constantinople, Tuesday for Antioch, Wednesday for Jerusalem, Thursday for Alexandria, and Friday for C
On Dec. 19, 2016, a truck ran into the Christmas market near the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin, killing 12 and injuring 5. The driver was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head in the passenger’s seat. The incident, claimed by ISIL, was deemed a terrorist attack. 201...
he was one of those guilt-ridden white guys who’d spent a lot of time organizing his hair into an afro in solidarity with the black struggle. On the ride back to the city that night I made sure I was the first guy into the back seat. No way George was getting the drop on me....
t even television. Thus there was no Sesame Street to teach me the alphabet, numbers, colors, animals, days of the week, months of the year (30 days has September, April June and November etc.) and the unintuitive analog clock face. Why does the “day” begin in the black of night?