Wedge resection is a nonanatomic removal of a portion of the lung without dissection or ligation of individual vessels or airways. From: Thoracic Surgery Clinics, 2023 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Fe...
Thoracoscopic surgery is decidedly expanded by the ability to perform pulmonary wedge resections of the lung by using the Endo-GIA-stapler. In addition to thoracoscopic biopsies, since July 1991 we have carried out wedge resections in 12 patients suffering from spontaneous pneumothorax (nine) or pe...
A wedge resection is done to remove a small portion of diseased lung, a small tumor, or a portion of lung cancer. The surgery is done if the disease has been caught early, and a part is removed to prevent further spreading of the cancer or disease. ...
This procedure is most commonly used in the management of lung cancer, particularly non-small cell lung cancer, although it can also be used for cancers in other regions of the body, such as ovarian cancer. It is performed on a patient under general anesthesia by an experienced surgeon and ...
In September 1993, a solitary lung tumor, 2.4 cm in diameter, appeared at the periphery of the right lung. Because the tumor was considered to be a metastatic HCC rather than a primary lung cancer, it was removed by thoracoscopic wedge resection. Although whether metastasectomy contributes to ...
(mostlywedge resection) and lobectomy for stage I lung cancer.At the same time, morbidity was signif i cantly less in thesublobar group. As with any other large multi-institutiondatabase, many important details are missing. We do nothave data about number of nodes removed or what stations...
In September 1993, a solitary lung tumor, 2.4 cm in diameter, appeared at the periphery of the right lung. Because the tumor was considered to be a metastatic HCC rather than a primary lung cancer, it was removed by thoracoscopic wedge resection. Although whether metastasectomy contributes to ...
However, only sporadic studies have been reported on thoracic surgery and almost exclusively for conditions that do not require a lung resection. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the outcome of thoracoscopic outpatient-wedge resections using a "real-time" air...
Additional blue dye is injected at the lung surface. During VATS, a sterile gamma probe is used to identify the area of radioactivity and plan placement of staple lines performed by an endostapling instrument. Palpation and the presence of radioactivity in the specimen supported the resection of ...
Additional blue dye is injected at the lung surface. During VATS, a sterile gamma probe is used to identify the area of radioactivity and plan placement of staple lines performed by an endostapling instrument. Palpation and the presence of radioactivity in the specimen supported the resection of ...