由于文章有点无聊和啰嗦,建议聪明的同学直接下载Alipay HK和激活香港版Wechat Pay去领红包就行了。关于香港版Wechat Pay的激活,可以搜索关键字(Wechat Pay HK)跳转到下面对应的章节。 如果你的同学或朋友已经注册,可以让他们邀请你,这样子他们还可以得到大概10HKD的券。 香港版支付宝(Alipay HK) 苹果手机的下载和...
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More than 16,000 merchants in Macao are using Weixin Pay and WeChat Pay HK, taking advantage of the two digital wallets that have integrated their merchants’network in Macao to make payment easier, faster and safer for travllers, according to the company. During the upcoming Spring Festival ...
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$cardId = 'pdkJ9uCzKWebwgNjxosee0ZuO3Os'; $type = 'groupon'; $attributes = [ 'base_info' => [ 'logo_url' => 'http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/2aJY6aCPatSeibYAyy7yct9zJXL9WsNVL4JdkTbBr184gNWS6nibcA75Hia9CqxicsqjYiaw2xuxYZiaibkmORS2oovdg/0', 'center_title' => '顶部居中按...
<?php $cardType = 'GROUPON'; $baseInfo = [ 'logo_url' => 'http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/2aJY6aCPatSeibYAyy7yct9zJXL9WsNVL4JdkTbBr184gNWS6nibcA75Hia9CqxicsqjYiaw2xuxYZiaibkmORS2oovdg/0', 'brand_name' => '测试商户造梦空间', 'code_type' => 'CODE_TYPE_QRCODE', 'title' =...
Step 1:Merchants generate corresponding QR codes for different products (Fig. 6.1) as required by WeChat Pay, and display them in various scenarios for uses to scan the codes and pay their orders. Step 2:The user scans a QR code on WeChat (Fig. 6.2) to obtain payment information which...
pay(payload) payload{Object} the payment data partnerId{String} 商家向财付通申请的商家ID prepayId{String} 预支付订单ID nonceStr{String} 随机串 timeStamp{String} 时间戳 package{String} 商家根据财付通文档填写的数据和签名 sign{String} 商家根据微信开放平台文档对数据做的签名 ...
There was no word on when Alibaba would bring WeChat Pay to its two main shopping apps — Taobao and Tmall. "User experience and transaction security are our guiding priorities as we actively work towards gradually introducing multiple payment methods on our platforms," a Taobao spokesperso...