wechat-need-web This is a Chrome / Edge extension, can allow the use of WeChat via webpage access. Comply withManifest version 3specifications. Wiki https://github.com/lqzhgood/wechat-need-web/wiki Use download the latest version inReleases ...
目前最好的方法就是登陆github,下载该项目的最新release并手动配置。GitHub下载链接如下: <Releases · lqzhgood/wechat-need-web (github.com)> 在Assets模块中找到对应的浏览器版本,下载该压缩包,chrome与edge浏览器均可使用chrome.zip,firefox推荐下载xip后缀文件,如果下载zip则需手动打包成xip。 登陆GitHub下载时...
Breadcrumbs wechat-need-web / .gitignoreTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 129 lines (96 loc) · 1.99 KB Raw # Logs logs *.log npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* lerna-debug.log* .pnpm-debug.log* # Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) repor...
(微信网页版) 方法很简单,我们只要给浏览器安装个wechat-need-web插件就行了。该插件是创建在GitHub上的一个开源项目,完全免费使用,非常不错。Edge、Chrome、360等基于Chromium内核的浏览器,都支持。 首先,下载插件zip格式的压缩包,解压后,保存在电脑某个位置。打开浏览器,点右上角三个点,进入扩展程序管理界面,勾...
如果无效,可以试一下另外一个,使用方法类似 GitHub - lqzhgood/wechat-need-web: 让微信网页版可用...
feat(web-extension): batch sync 4年前 .cz-config.js refactor: 增加代码提交规范 commitlint + commitizen 4年前 .editorconfig build: 代码风格统一:editorconfig 4年前 .env.development add douban 4年前 .gitignore Merge branch 'version/1.0.8' of https://github.com/curly210102/We...
This API is designed for the cross-border acquiring institutions/direct merchants. In particular, if institutions/merchants in Japan and Macao have enabled Hong Kong Wallet services, they need to connect this API. Code example JAVAGoPHP @Test ...
what I need is just a lib instead of a product #709 How to link it with personal account. #693 Sending Images #690 windows 10 throws PuppetWeb initBrowser() exception: got invalid driver at ttl 0 #688 Group game #675 if wechaty cannot get inviteeList when emit room-join , suggest ...
Web Socket connection For Gizwits IoT Cloud access with Web Socket API, it’s encapsulated into the JS-SDK. you only need to include it on your page.Initialize Gizwits service The first is to create a Gizwits service:This Gizwits service will be responsible for all the following operations, ...
When you need to render the plug-in, usesetDatato pass in the necessary parameters to initialize. Code sample: onLoad:function(){ this.setData({loadCaptcha:true,captchaId:'wxxxxxxxxxxxx'}) } Obtain a success certificate After the captcha is successfully completed, the user-defined captchaSuccess...