Your use of Contact List Security Assistant is subject to the WeChat Terms of Service and WeChat Privacy Policy, as well as the following terms: 1. You can upload all or part of your mobile device's contact list via Contact List Security Assistant. Once uploaded, your uploaded contact li...
(e.g. mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer) that you use to access WeChat – for example, we may need to use your device's processor and storage to complete the relevant WeChat Software installation, or we may need to access your contact list to provide certain interactive functions ...
self.ContactList = dic['ContactList'] self.My = dic['User'] SyncKeyList = [] for item in dic['SyncKey']['List']: SyncKeyList.append('%s_%s' % (item['Key'], item['Val'])) self.SyncKey = '|'.join(SyncKeyList) ErrMsg = dic['BaseResponse']['ErrMsg'] Ret = dic['BaseResp...
Part 2: How to Add Friends to WeChat on iPhone? For our IOS users, if you want to add more friends to your contact list and widen your virtual network in WeChat, you can follow the steps below to add a friend using different pieces of information. Option 1: Adding using QR Codes S...
Blocking and deleting your WeChat contacts are completely different and we will explain to you the difference between the two. When you block someone, you are not deleting that person from your contact list and you are also able to unblock them in the future and be able to message them, ...
Pulse Contributors Commits Code frequency Dependency graph Network Forks Forks switch to list view w7corp / easywechat 0i / wechat 0x9be00ff1 / wechat 0xuhe / wechat 1057437122 / wechat-1 1060460048 / wechat-2 1291061979 / wechat-1 ...
Contact us Should we open new one in 2024? maybe You can add our WeChat (ID gentlemenAgency) and ask to join the Business Groups. Process of Admission We will ask you to introduce yourself, and your company. We are strict on Group and do not allow Promotion, and advertising. ...
staticcreate(contactList: Contact[], topic?: string): Promise<Room>create a new room staticfind(query: string): Promise<null | Room>Try to find a room by filter. If get many, return the first one. staticfindAll(query: string): Promise<Room[]>Find all contacts in a room ...
2. Friend Radar If you've just made a group of new friends in real life and want to swap contact info, you don't have to worry about individually adding everyone. There's a much faster way. Just have everyone open "Friend Radar". Now the entire group can add each other in one fel...
static create(contactList: Contact[], topic?: string): Promise<Room> create a new room static find(query: string): Promise<null | Room> Try to find a room by filter. If get many, return the first one. static findAll(query: string): Promise<Room[]> Find all contacts in a room sta...