指数据表前缀。3940$id=intval($id);4142$data=MySql::fetchOne("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PRE.self::$mArticleTable."` WHERE `id` =".$id);4344return$data;45}4647staticfunctiondataInsert($data)48{49returnMySql::insert(DB_PRE.self::$mArticleTable,$data);50}51}52?
</template> <script setup lang="ts"> useHead({ title: '技术支持 | 微信公众号文章导出' }); </script> 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 pages/dashboard/usage.vue Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ <h1 class="text-[28px] leading-...
<template> <div id="app" class="flex flex-col h-screen overflow-hidden"> <div class="bg-violet-400 text-white font-bold py-2 text-center"> <NuxtLink to="/dashboard" class="cursor-pointer">体验新版UI</NuxtLink> </div> <Header @select:account="selectAccount" @search:art...
template 模板相关的内容必须被包裹在<template></tenplate>标签中,使用 name 属性指定 template 模板的模板名,这个模板名将在引用模板时被使用 接下来,我们在 post.wxml 中引用并使用这个 template 代码语言:javascript 复制 <importsrc="post-item/post-item-tpl.wxml"/><view><swiper indicator-dots="true"autop...
Jump to ‘WeChat Article’ is the most user-friendly solution. How to create a menu? Step 1: On the top left of your public account page, you’ll notice a “menu” icon appear after you’ve created your service account or had your subscription account certified. ...
test.inc.php 是后台管理入口文件(相当于后台控制器 Controller),template 是后台管理视图模板(相当于后台视图 View) ; include 目录是该模块的类和函数文件目录(相当于模型 Model)。 phpWeChat 分为 3 大模块,会员(member)、PC网站(pc)、微信公共号(wechat),所有的功能模块都在这三个文件夹下。 $PW变量列表...
/** * @Author yang shuai * @Date 2022/9/3 * 注入restTemplate用于http请求 */ @Configuration public class RestTemplateConfig { @Resource private RestTemplateBuilder templateBuilder; @Bean public RestTemplate restTemplate(){ return templateBuilder.build(); } } 生成微信二维码 /** * @Author yang shu...
Step 1: Choose an HTML5 template The first step in creating a WeChat webpage is to choose an HTML5 template that fits your needs. There are many websites online that offer free and premium HTML5 templates for you to choose from. Look for a template that has a clean and modern design...
1、创建模块 用name <template name="swiper"> <swiper class="swiper" loop="true" autop... 97520APP技巧:电脑登录微信,要删除这5个文件!否则别人能查看聊天记录 我们登录电脑端微信后,依次点击【设置】-【文件管理】-【打开文件夹】-【FileStorage】。在FileStorage这个文件夹中,里面就存有我们的隐私。...最...