res.reply('Message Send To Bot Completed , Wait Response.'); api.sendText(message.FromUserName,'this message from wechat-api',function(err, result) {if(err) { logger.log('error', err); } logger.log('info', 'reply message success'); }); }).image(function(message, req, res, next...
API Path: /api/App/Wxmini_Wechat/SendTemplateMessage API Description: 微信小程序发送模板消息,对应微信接口:templateMessage.send。 1 API Traffic HTTP/HTTPS Protocol GET/POST Method UTF-8 Charset JSON Response API Debug API Params ParameterTypeRequiredDefaultNoteDescription ...
上报某个群成员的群昵称(reportGetChatRoomUserNick) 上报文本消息(reportTextMessage) 上报图片消息(reportPicMessage) 上报文件消息(reportFileMessage) 上报群邀请的链接消息(reportAddChatRoomMessage) 上报小程序消息(reportMiniMessage) 上报网页的链接消息(reportUrlMessage) 上报转账消息(reportTransferMessage) 上报个人...
//微信登录constchatWx=async(req, res) => {try{// 扫码constonScan= (qrcode, status) => {letqrcodeImageUrlif(status ===ScanStatus.Waiting|| status ===ScanStatus.Timeout) {// 在控制台显示二维码qrTerminal.generate(qrcode, {small:true}) qrcodeImageUrl = ['
If using wechat_api or wechat_responder in controller, can also use wechat as shortcut (supports multi account): template = YAML.load( wechat.template_message_send["template"]) wechat_api - Rails Controller Wechat...
After that the media is deleted from Conversation API storage.All of these are delivered by Conversation API via a POST to the MESSAGE_INBOUND webhook:Example text MO:{ "app_id": "01F6PDXVY6Z5GT0AM1YPABCDEFG", "accepted_time": "2021-11-11T07:39:35.773669Z", "event_time": "2021-...
](https://xxxxxxx/wechat-ipad-api#code-109-发送图片接口)code :109 发送图片接口 图片精base64 编码发送 node 示例代码 const piBuff = fs.readFileSync('./test.jpg')const sendPic = { "code": 109, "authKey": "XXXXXX", "data": { "account":"juxiaoxiong", "imgBuff": new Buffer(piBu...
The original call address is: Finally, the actual address of the call needs to add access_The token parameter, which is: = xxxxxx ...