disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds停用各種 GPU 驅動程式 Bug 的因應措施。 disable-site-isolation-trials停用網站隔離。 disable-web-security停用跨原始來源原則,且不會強制執行相同原始來源原則。 僅用於網站測試。 disk-cache-size強制磁碟快取使用的最大磁碟空間,以位元組為單位。
与Microsoft Edge WebView2 交互和影响行为的方式之一是传递浏览器标志 (参数,或将) 切换到 WebView2。 这些浏览器标志可用于测试即将推出的功能和诊断问题。 警告 生产中的应用不应使用 WebView2 浏览器标志,因为这些标志可能随时被删除或更改,并且不一定长期受支持。
}privateasyncvoidUserControl_Loaded(objectsender, RoutedEventArgs e){//跨域varpath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +"WebViewCache";varenv =awaitCoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync(userDataFolder: path, browserExecutableFolder:null, options:newCoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions("-disable-web-security --...
WebView2 enables you to host web content using the latest Microsoft Edge browser and web technology.
而微软原生控件WebView或者WebBrowser控件由于其技术或背后浏览器框架跟不上现代步伐,很难满足实际场景需求,那么随着Microsoft Edge积极采用Chromium内核,并被Windows 10/11内置,基于它诞生了WebView2这个控件,未来我们有希望可以直接通过使用WebView2来替代CEF,从而大幅降低混合架构开发模式下的安装包体积,提高程序运行效率...
);//--disable-web-securityCoreWebView2Environment environment=awaitCoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync...
there are multiple switches, there should be a space in between them. The one exception is if multiple features are being enabled/disabled for a single switch, in which case the features should be comma-separated. Ex. "--disable-features=feature1,feature2 --some-other-switch --do-so...
var env = await CoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync(userDataFolder: path, browserExecutableFolder: null, options: new CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions("-disable-web-security --user-data-dir=D:/ChromeDevSession")); await webView.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(env); ...
We would like to offer our users an option to disable QUIC in the WebView2 used by our add-in. We have found that trying to use QUIC when UDP traffic is blocked may result in degraded performance or even prevent the add-in from making HTTP requests to s...
WebView2Browser has a multi-WebView approach to integrate web content and application UI into a Windows Desktop application. This allows the browser to use standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to light up the interface but also enables the app to fetch favicons from the web and ...