The aim for this project is to create the worlds best and hottest interface to interact with aria2. Very simple to use, just download and open index.html in any web browser. - webui-aria2/docker-compose.yml at master · huio/webui-aria2
Docker Swarm 是官方发布的集群容器管理工具
Dockerfile Webui-Aria2 Chrome Extention, would create a tab showing webui-aria2. 这是webui-aria2的chrome插件,会打开一个使用webui-aria2来管理Aria下载的页面。 chrome-extensionaria2webui-aria2aria2-chromearia2-gui UpdatedMay 7, 2018
一、搭建Aria2以及 AriaNg Web UI使用Docker构建的Aria2参考aria2-ariang-docker 以及aria2-ariang-x-docker-composeyum -y install docker systemctl start docker docker run -d --namearia2-ui -p docker aria2安装 docker .net h5 转载 charlesc ...
II. Openhttp://serverip:6880/for aria2-webui, openhttp://serverip:6888/to browse data folder. Build: sudo docker build -f Dockerfile -t xujinkai/aria2-with-webui . Link: ...
docker-compose.yml Configure docker-compose using lightweight aria2 and httpd images for local use 8年前 favicon.ico Provide a new favicon 11年前 node-server.js Rename Build directory to docs 6年前 package-lock.json Update package versions ...
之前做的docker版的aria2只有官方UI,比较low 鉴于强迫症,做了一个集成官方UI,AriaNG,和一个简单的...
aria2启动的时候会占用整个窗口,所以screen -dmS aria /usr/bin/aria.sh这条命令就是新建一个名为aria的新的screen窗口,执行启动aria的命令并将窗口放在后台。 因为centos 7的缘故,/etc/re.local文件需要有可执行权限,so: chmod a+x /etc/re.local ...
Docker support There is two Dockerfile in this project, one is a common Dockerfile, which can be use for testing purpose. The second is a production ready Dockerfile for raspberry and other ARM plateforms. For testing purpose You can also try or use webui-aria2 in your LAN inside a Do...