step2.修改配置文件 修改配置文件前先停止qBittorrent服务!!! 停用qBittorrent套件 查找qBittorrent.conf文件路径 find -name qBittorrent.conf vim打开qBittorrent.conf vim ./volume1/@appdata/qBittorrent/qBittorrent_conf/config/qBittorrent.conf 在qBittorrent.conf文件中找到WebUI\Password_PBKDF2和WebUI\Username...
如果你会修改配置的话,把WebUI\Password_PBKDF2=改成"@ByteArray(ARQ77eY1NUZaQsuDHbIMCA==:0WMRkYTUWVT9wVvdDtHAjU9b3b7uB8NR1Gur2hmQCvCDpm39Q+PsJRJPaCU51dEiz+dTzh8qbPsL8WkFljQYFQ==)",就可以用adminadmin登陆进去修改密码了 来自Android客户端3楼2023-11-28 14:39 收起回复 goto...
如果已经升级,且无法降级的,可以将下方密码键值代码写入qBittorrent.conf文件,找到[Preferences]节,会看到WebUIPort=**行,添加在其上方或下方。 WebUIPassword_PBKDF2="@ByteArray(w5len07HCY3ftn8MzbSwxQ==:mf8sZIVuy6J9aqZDnQ2S9hi8q6zukaQs+fApf5obwTIFCaU8LPNDOD53P9D/eaAtnfsoUgwrN6gAzB6gGvrPww==)" 重...
WebUI\MaxAuthenticationFailCount=5 WebUI\Password_PBKDF2=[REDACTED] WebUI\Port=8080 WebUI\ReverseProxySupportEnabled=false WebUI\RootFolder= WebUI\SecureCookie=true WebUI\ServerDomains=* WebUI\SessionTimeout=3600 WebUI\TrustedReverseProxiesList= WebUI\UseUPnP=false WebUI\Username=[REDACTED] [RSS]...
I reversed to 4.6.0 + set a password (Password_PBKDF2 is in the config) + updated to 4.6.1 but I am not able to login :/ Edit: according to others, this should work i will try to do it again Edit2: it worked pCoder3000 reacted with confused emoji ...
Delete the lines in the .conf file: WebUI\Password_PBKDF2 and WebUI\Username Restart the service (service qbittorrent restart) Login with the default username admin and password adminadmin Click to expand... This sounds like a great idea but how do I open this conf file, where is it?
using PBKDF2 for storing web UI and GUI lock passwords [0], causing any password set using old versions of qbittorrent to be ignored completely. This is dangerous because qbittorrent may be exposed to the internet or other untrusted traffic (e.g. via [1]). After an upgrade, the user'...
return value("Preferences/WebUI/Password_PBKDF2", defaultValue).toByteArray(); } I agree that it’s sort of poor form to just drop support for the old hash algorithm without requiring a change upon first login. Took me a minute to figure out how to restore the default, so I thought...
WebUI\Password_PBKDF2=[redacted] WebUI\Port=8080 WebUI\RootFolder=/config/webui/vuetorrent/ WebUI\SecureCookie=true WebUI\ServerDomains=* WebUI\SessionTimeout=3600 WebUI\UseUPnP=true WebUI\Username=admin [RSS] AutoDownloader\DownloadRepacks=true AutoDownloader\SmartEpisodeFilter=s(\d+)e(\d...
while (pass.length() < passwordLength) { const auto num = Utils::Random::rand(0, (alphanum.size() - 1)); pass.append(alphanum[num]); } return pass; } QByteArray Utils::Password::PBKDF2::generate(const QString &password) { return generate(password.toUtf8()); } QByteArray Utils:...