often through crowdfunding efforts, to release webtoon-based games of their most popular series. In a collaboration with the popular webtoon “Strangers from Hell”, Leda Gamesreleaseda room escape game, “Strangers Are Hell: Innocent,” in 2023. The game successfully raisedKRW 100 millionin cro...
novels and even graphic novels. To draw readers' attention, the translator needs to be fluent in the language used in webtoons,” Lee Jae-won, a global localization team leader at Kakao Entertainment, told The Korea Herald recently.
Note: The section on Dice living was amended on 13/3/16. The article originally asserted incorrectly that the author was a psychologist and that the novel was based on, rather than inspired by, real life dice experimentation. 1. Nihilism Nihilism says that life has no intrinsic meaning, purp...