The Mobile Webtender is designed to deliver drink recipes to low-end web enabled mobile phones using the WML format. However, your browser doesn't seem to support that. Instead, you should use the web site designed for regular web browsers and modern smartphones. ...
WEBTENDER_API_KEY=your-api-keyWEBTENDER_API_SECRET=your-api-secret Simply construct importWebTenderClientfrom'@webtender/api-client-node';importdotenvfrom'dotenv';// Load .envdotenv.config();constclient=newWebTenderClient(); Alternatively use the constructor to pass the API key and secret. ...
About The Webtender Information about The Webtender, advertising and contact addresses. Hopefully, you'll find an answer to your questions here. Welcome to The Webtender Holiday Special! Prepare for the Holidays with The Webtender's Holiday Special!
The Webtender Forums Ask questions, request cocktail recipes or share your knowledge with other visitors. About The Webtender Information about The Webtender, advertising and contact addresses. Hopefully, you'll find an answer to your questions here.Welcome...
The Webtender Forums Ask questions, request cocktail recipes or share your knowledge with other visitors. About The Webtender Information about The Webtender, advertising and contact addresses. Hopefully, you'll find an answer to your questions here.Welcome... The Mobile Webtender provide some of the most popular features to users of wireless devices, including Easy searching Random recipe Top 10 recipes In addition, new and more advanced features are planned. To start, simply enter the following address on your phone or PDA: ...
From The Webtender Wiki Jump to:navigation,search The Manhattan is a Cocktail consisting of Rye Whiskey, Vermouth, and Bitters. Contents 1The Manhattan Myth 1.1From The Cocktailian Gazette 1.2David Wondrich says 2Historical References 2.1"THE DEMOCRAT", NEW YORK, 5 September 1882 ...
From The Webtender Wiki Jump to: navigation, search Cognac (IPA: [k*n'jæk] where * is ɒ, oʊ, ɑ:, or ɔ:), named after the town of Cognac in France, is a kind of brandy, which must be produced in the region surrounding the town. The wine to be distilled must be ...
Cocktail From The Webtender Wiki In the present day, the word "Cocktail" is a catch-all term for all mixed alcoholic drinks. However, at one point in time, the word Cocktail referred to just one specific type of mixed alcoholic drink....
Jump to:navigation,search Welcome toThe Webtender Wiki, thecocktail wikifor bartenders — by bartenders. A verifiable cocktail and bartending encyclopedia for bartenders, mixologists, and their associates. — There are483articles available — This wiki bartending resource is here for the benefit of all...