1、用create-react-app创建项目,项目名称不能有大写 create-react-app testapp 2、修改项目入口文件 入口文件index.js位置由src/变动到了src/js下 方法:参考链接https://www.jianshu.com/p/c6040430b18d npm run eject 可以暴露项目的配置,可以自由配置... ...
npm notice created a lockfileaspackage-lock.json.You should committhisfile.Installing react and react-dom using npm...+react-dom@16.1.1+react@16.1.1added2packagesin19.051s Success!Created helloworld at/Users/jack/WebstormProjects/helloworld Inside that directory,you can run several commands:npm st...
npm notice created a lockfileaspackage-lock.json.Youshould committhisfile.Installingreact and react-domusingnpm...+react-dom@16.1.1+react@16.1.1added2packagesin19.051s Success!Createdhelloworld at/Users/jack/WebstormProjects/helloworldInsidethat directory,you can run several commands:npm startStartsthe...
I created a ReactApp, the project appears to be created. When I run npm start or yarn start see below for the errors. When I run the steps below, nothing changes. What is happening? If I create the project manually, and then import it into WebStorm, it will run. C:...
webstorm上导入了react项目,执行npm run start 之后就报错, > cross-env APP_TYPE=site umi dev fs.js:114 throw err; ^ Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'path\node_modules\.cache\@babel\register\.babel.7.2.2.development.json' ...
im working on this react app, and im new to webstorm so probably im doing somehting wrong this is my start script (this is a monorepo app) "start":"CI=true lerna run start --stream --parallel", and this is my debug when i click start, and then debugger, i see a new ...
首先在设置(setting)里搜索lang(语言与框架)找到并JavaScript,版本改成react jsx ps:顺便给个官网配置react的链接,谷歌打开翻译吧 链接 然后创建react工程,文件名只能是字母或者中划线&ls... 查看原文 sublime插件jsfmt格式化jsx esformatternpmlsesformatter-jsx所有安装好了后,就修改配置文件修改配置文件–修改jsfmt的se...
其中program是react-native路径,可以直接在终端输入 which react-native查找。 parameters可以选择 run-ios或者run-android working direction选择ProjectFileDir 到这,基本就能运行模拟器了。 配置RN语法 在webstorm中选择prefences选择buildSetting 选择jsx 结语
我可以让 WebStorm 理解%PUBLIC_URL%create-react-app 实例上下文中的含义吗?Hom*_*cIs 3 这并不是一个真正完美的解决方案,但您可以在项目根目录中创建一个%PUBLIC_URL%名为指向该public目录的符号链接。 在Linux 上: ln -s public/ %PUBLIC_URL% Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 在Windows ...