:HTML5通过 webRTC直接调用摄像头,但是如果要实现远程视频流的显示,则需要将RTSP转换为 WebRTC流,供web端显示。 参考地址:https://github.com...可以显示。 参考地址:https://github.com/Streamedian/html5_rtsp_player方案二:主流浏览器不再支持 ActiveX插件,改用 NPAPI 或者 PPAPI ...
rtsp2web This is a simple application that connect to RTSP streams, send compressed data over websocket and then decode on browser side usingwebcodec Live Demo Build cmake . && make Usage ./rtsp2ws [OPTION...] <rtspurl> ... <rtspurl> -h, --help Print usage -v, --verbose arg Ver...
3. 修改 /etc/ws_rtsp.init 配置文件: [General] # websocket proxy listen port port=1111 #(change to your port) # path to license file license_path=/usr/share/wsp/wsp.lic # path to license server key license_server_key=/usr/share/wsp/wsp_server.pub # websocket proxy plugin dir plugin...