针对您遇到的“failed: websocket is closed before the connection is established”错误,这通常表示WebSocket连接在成功建立之前就被关闭了。以下是针对您提供的提示,分点进行的分析和建议: 1. 检查WebSocket连接代码,确认是否在连接建立之前调用了关闭方法。 在客户端代码中,确保没有在WebSocket对象成功创建并尝试建立连...
"WebSocket is closed before the connection is established" 错误通常表示 WebSocket 连接在建立之前被...
WebSocket is closed before the connection is established 最近socket.io是挺流行的,幼麟棋牌和一些好的开源项目也使用这个框架,在搭建其平台示例的出现这个错误,网上找了半天竟然没有找到解决办法,开始以为是版本socket.io版本问题,换了2.0一样,用telnet连接端口正常,但是客户端怎么都连接不上。 逐步进行分析,发现soc...
我出现当原因是,前端代码做了websocket断开重连,如果连接超时就会关闭连接。浏览器调试台会报:websocket is closed before the connection is established 其实没必要设置超时关闭连接。把这段代码注释点即可。
windows运行正常但是linux下程序在浏览器控制台console报websocket is closed before the connection is established 原因: 连接socket时需要通过IP获取到对应主机的域名来进行连接,此过程会相当耗时。前端有一个超时时间,导致无法在规定时间内收到服务端消息而触发超时操作。
WebSocket connection to ‘ws:/ws/message/lars/’ failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. 我查了下Provisional headers are shown好像是说请求没能发出去 js中这么写的 initwebsocket(){ const ws_scheme = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws"; const ws_...
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:4568/ws/379/lsb17jhg/websocket?X...' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established maybe useful to say that I didnt call disconnect or close anywhere in my code. Thank you.Contributor...
First of all. thanks for building this package! For some reason, I get this message in the console whenever I terminate and re-run websockets:serve. failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. The only way I've foun...
Hello, i'm using Nuxt and Laravel Websockets and trying to start the connection, but i keep getting the error "WebSocket is closed before the connection is established", tried to change in diferent ways but i couldn't solve it. It's beeing really hard to learn to use some of these fe...
表现: windows及linux下可不同时出现,与DNS解析的配置有关 浏览器console界面会打印大量websocket is closed 错误消息 可能伴随着刷新很慢之类的相关异常现象 解决方法: 1在hosts文件中添加对应IP的反解析,如:示例IP IP ,其中IP为服务机器的内网地址,无效则自己通过堆栈在某个地方debug代码来确认 ...