开发小游戏过程中为了存储用户等级等相关数据,使用websocket完成。服务器及域名为均为腾讯云。 中间件为TOMCAT,添加了安全证书,通过浏览器https访问域名,提示“无法安全的连接到此页面”,不能进行访问。通过浏览器https加IP的方式进行访问,可以访问,但提示有风险,“证书错误”。 目前域名尚未备案通过 问题:使用WSS://IP...
开发小游戏过程中为了存储用户等级等相关数据,使用websocket完成。服务器及域名为均为腾讯云。 中间件为TOMCAT,添加了安全证书,通过浏览器https访问域名,提示“无法安全的连接到此页面”,不能进行访问。通过浏览器https加IP的方式进行访问,可以访问,但提示有风险,“证书错误”。 目前域名尚未备案通过 问题:使用WSS://IP...
在上面的例子中,除了使用Upgrade头之外,客户端还向服务器端发送了Sec-WebSocket-Key header。这个header...
一、WebSocket 协议 1. 概述 websocket协议允许不受信用的客户端代码在可控的网络环境中控制远程主机。该...
I am facing this error when I access my app: websocket.js:100 WebSocket connection to 'ws://.../socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=00MoBUdWQC98AUsmAAAC' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET I have followed the instructions in#1942to make sure that ng...
system.web 节点添加: <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="104857600" executionTimeout="1200" targetFramework="4.5" requestValid
Hello I get the error: WebSocket connection to 'wss://localhost:54970/Dashboard.Server/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. I get this on a new project, so what I do is Start Visual Studio 2022. Make a new Blazor
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () { hub.server.hello(); }); hub.client.hello = function (message) { alert(message); }; The message is returned but it looks as though the persistent connection is broken. I thought this was due to going cross domain but I have ran this in ...
I'm trying to connect to my mqtt server (ec2 instance) from angular 2 using this library, but I get the following error: WebSocket connection to 'ws://my-ec2:1883/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET I ma...
console.log(`[SERVER] connection()`); ws.on('message', function (message) { console.log(`[SERVER] Received: ${message}`); ws.send(`message from server: ${message}`, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(`[SERVER] error: ${err}`); ...