# self.send('您好') defdisconnect(self, close_code): print('断开disconnect', close_code) # self.close(close_code) self.send('你是要断开连接吗?') defreceive(self, text_data): # print(text_data) self.send('hello, world') # text_data_json = json.loads(text_data) # message = tex...
代码语言:javascript 复制 0–999保留段,未使用.1000CLOSE_NORMAL正常关闭;无论为何目的而创建,该链接都已成功完成任务.1001CLOSE_GOING_AWAY终端离开,可能因为服务端错误,也可能因为浏览器正从打开连接的页面跳转离开.1002CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR由于协议错误而中断连接.1003CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED由于接收到不允许的数据类型而断...
Spring Boot 2.1.4 on client, gateway and server. Client receives:CloseStatus[code=1000, reason=null] Spring Boot 2.1.4 on gateway, server and com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client. Client receives:WebSocketFrame(FIN=1,RSV1=0,RSV2=0,RSV3=0,Opcode=CLOSE,Length=0,CloseCode=1005,Reason=null...
同问同问,被这个折磨好久了。以前是系统时间的问题 后来调了时间 可以用。现在并不是系统时间的...
1006 CLOSE_ABNORMAL 1006 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that the connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close...
@AfterpublicvoidtearDown()throwsException{mWebSocket.close(0,"123");} 提示错误如下: ava.lang.IllegalArgumentException:Codemust beinrange[1000,5000):0at okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketProtocol.validateCloseCode(WebSocketProtocol.kt:134)at okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket.close(RealWebSocket.kt:435)...
are needed SHOULD appear in the /reason/ part of the Close frame. Note that this status code is not used by the server, because it can fail the WebSocket handshake instead. 1011 1011 indicates that a server is terminating the connection because ...
From MDN docs, status code 1005 or 1006 should be used when the websocket abnormally closed (ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CloseEvent) But calling the close method from the client results in a status code of 1005 ...
WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLOSE_STATUSValue: 1002Peer detected protocol error and it is closing the connection. WEB_SOCKET_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_CLOSE_STATUSValue: 1003The endpoint cannot receive this type of data. WEB_SOCKET_EMPTY_CLOSE_STATUSValue: 1005No close status code was provided. WEB_SOCKET...
socketTask.onClose(function (res) { console.log('WebSocket连接已关闭!') }) } }) 有用 回复 2019-01-10 你onhide 和 onunload 方法里打印一下close函数的回调res看看啊 到底关了没 有用 回复3 2019-01-10 关闭了,onClose的code有异常,code:1006 赞 回复 2019-01-10回复 你去看一眼文档看看这个100...