Here’s a trend we like to see: high and low bounds converge symmetrically on the nominal. The nominal, in turn has a flat trajectory. The interpretation: estimates will be fairly close to the actual outcome. No further action is required. By contrast, here's a pattern we don't like t...
My blog is mostly techical ramblings about things I happen to be working on at the moment. Comments most welcome. GNOME Power Manager In 2015 I got bored and wrote GNOME Power Manager; a session daemon for the GNOME desktop environment that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop ...
BasicDTUController - The scope of this project is to provide an open source, open access controller that can be used by the wind energy community as a reference. WindEnergyToolbox - A collection of Python scripts that facilitate working with (potentially a lot) of HAWC2,HAWCStab2, FAST or...