24-09-2020:A new paper on“Mean-Field Density Matrix Decompositions”byEriksen(arXiv: 2009.10837) has appeared on arXiv today. The paper introduces anew way of decomposing mean-field electronic structure theories (with applications to HF & KS-DFT) by means of localized MOs and various charge ...
So, let’s get down to business. ➝What you want is to use a mix of your competitors’ keywords and your own. For the latter, we recommend thinking like a user: what would I type to find such content? Here’s a hint: Long tail keywordsare a combination of usually 3 or 4 keywor...
Robin's got a secret - actually LOTS of secrets- and she's ready to share them all with YOU! Grab your girlfriends and tune in to feel empowered, motivated, and EXCITED to live your happiest and healthiest life. Consider this your weekly girl time!
The world is numbered, it’s just a matter of which numbers you want to believe in. He has given you a will and freedom to choose. I hope you don’t choose wrongly because the bible tells of the torment waiting. Find a good Bible teaching Church. Learn who God is!
Can brands grow like conspiracy theories spread? Studying attitudes toward advertising and conspiracy beliefs In a world where brands find increasing difficulties to communicate their message, in part due to the splitting consumer's attention and in part due to the... F Gaspar - 《Brazilian Journal...
aDespite the lip service which many sociologists pay to Popper\'s hypothetico-deductive model (HDM) of theory testing, few if any major social theories have been definitively falsified. The reason is that sociological explanations do not fit the deductivist model of explanation: They do not ...
I’m not entirely sure, but you know I’ll go through the inner forest just to find out. Anyway, expect more blogposts, more writing and more books. Let’s go… Posted inUncategorized|Taggedmike kleine|Leave a comment Book Announcement: God’s Leftovers Coming Next Year ...
Michael Batty (2022) recently stated, “Despite a wide array of new tools embodying different theories, the gulf between planning theory and practice remains. … for this, the challenge is for model-builders and users to work in practice and for practitioners to work with theory”. In this ...
More than four years into this so called “health crisis” and the nightmare goes on. What were once denounced as conspiracy theories are now coming true one by one, two weeks of restrictions to flatten the curve became two years and counting, massive coercion to force people to wear unhealt...
Not to mention, it will help users find it. You can start by finding the right domain name on registrars like Wix before you connect it (more on that below) and launch your website. Learn more: Website name ideas 17. Design a website under construction page While you're in the ...