sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service b. 配置UDP启动端口 如果是虚机,在虚机网络管理中打开UDP的可访问端口,推荐范围2000-9000,同时需要在配置文件中进行配置。 vi webrtc_agent/agent.toml 修改: # The webrtc port range maxport = 0 #default: 0 minport = 0 #default: 0 为: # The webrtc port ...
{"address":"","candidate":"candidate:2147606101 1 udp 2122260223 57959 typ host generation 0 ufrag EaWw network-id 1 network-cost 10","component":"rtp","foundation":"2147606101","port":57959,"priority":2122260223,"protocol":"udp","relatedAddress":null,"relatedPort"...
运行服务 需要自己修改constants.py的路径以及ip地址 sudo docker run --rm \ -p 8080:8080 -p 8089:8089 -p 3478:3478 -p 3478:3478/udp -p 3033:3033 \ --expose=59000-65000 \ -e PUBLIC_IP=<your local ip> \ -v /home/xxx/ \ -t -i piasy/apprtc-server 1....
--portsA valid UDP port range20000-20500This sets the UDP ports that WebRTC will use to connect with the client --ws-portA valid port number8080This is the port on which the websocket will be hosted. If you change this value make sure that is reflected in the URL used by the react ...
防火墙 ,除了端口和ip的放行,注意对应协议udp的也要放行,连接时有些是udp的。tcp 、 udp、 ipv4、ipv6 这些都要配置放行。 连接鉴权:虽然有中继服务器,但是仍然无法打通, 常见报错401, 403等 这些都是鉴权有些问题。 如果在调试时除了上述问题,还是有些问题 ,导致无法通过TURN服务器打通,甚至无法确认是否已经脸...
If the requests are arriving and the Expressway-E is replying to the client, check if the External FW is allowing the outbound UDP traffic. If the requests are not arriving, check the FW to ensure that the port range previously listed is not blocked. ...
75. XRTC1.0-创建UDP Port76. XRTC1.0-准备socket address77. XRTC1.0-创建ICE local candidate78. XRTC1.0-ICE candidate的收集和交换方式79. XRTC1.0-client peerconnection设置offer并创建answer80. XRTC1.0-client peerconnection向signaling发送answer81. XRTC1.0-signaling server处理sendanswer请求82. XRTC1.0...
75. XRTC1.0-创建UDP Port76. XRTC1.0-准备socket address77. XRTC1.0-创建ICE local candidate78. XRTC1.0-ICE candidate的收集和交换方式79. XRTC1.0-client peerconnection设置offer并创建answer80. XRTC1.0-client peerconnection向signaling发送answer81. XRTC1.0-signaling server处理sendanswer请求82. XRTC1.0...
<port>:媒体端口,要么是收流端口,要么是发流端口,这样我们就知道从哪个端口进行发流和收流。 <transport>:传输协议,表示码流的传输协议是什么,如果UDP则为RTP/AVP代表码流用RTP Over UDP,要么是TCP/RTP/AVP即RTP Over TCP,表示用TCP传输RTP码流。