rtc::Thread* const&, rtc::Thread*&, std::unique_ptr<cricket::VoiceMediaChannel, std::default_delete<cricket::VoiceMediaChannel> >, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool&, webrtc::CryptoOptions const&, rtc::UniqueRandomIdGenerat...
该功能是可以用本地文件作为音频源,支持的格式有 Pcm 和 Wav。 4.2.5 声音处理—audio_processing 源代码在 webrtc\modules\audio_processing 目录下。 声音处理针对音频数据进行处理,包括回声消除(AEC)、AECM(AEC Mobile)、自动增益(AGC)、降噪(NS)、静音检测(VAD)处理等功能, 用来提升声音质量。 4.2.6 网络传...
“getUserMedia” helps users capture audio and video content by making the connection with the camera and microphone on the user’s device. “RTCPeerConnection” facilitates the transmission of audio and video between peers’ devices. This API also handles the security of the call and manages the...
addStreams([newAudioStream]); msRecorder.resetVideoStreams([screenStream]); } }Internal recorders can add extra methods. Same as MultiStreamRecorder which is supporting two extra methods:addStreams resetVideoStreamsonStateChangedUse this method to detect status of the recording:recorder = RecordRTC(...
音视频学习,相关文件格式/协议分析,框架学习等。encode decode;rgb yuv h264 aac flv mp4 rtmp;libyuv x264 openh264 faac faad2 fdk-aac librtmp ffmpeg sdl2 webrtc;android ios capture videotoolbox; - gongluck/AnalysisAVP
Guide audioSink, captureStream, CDN, element capture, getDisplayMedia, HLS, MCU, media server, mp4box, preferCurrentTab, suppressLocalAudioPlayback, Web Audio, webcodecs All the ways to send a video file over WebRTC I am working on a personal Chrome Extension project where I need a way ...
InternetSpeech Audio Codec 针对VoIP和音频流的宽带和超宽带音频编解码器,是WebRTC音频引擎的默认的编解码器 采样频率:16khz,24khz,32khz;(默认为16khz) 自适应速率为10kbit/s ~ 52kbit/; 自适应包大小:30~60ms; 算法延时:frame + 3ms b. iLBC ...
Constrained Baseline Profile Level 1.2 and H.264 Constrained High Profile Level 1.3 . Contrained baseline is a submet of the main profile , suited to low dealy , low complexity. suited to lower processing device like mobile videos Multiview Video Coding – can have multiple views of the same...
16291 obj\api\audio_codecs\opus\audio_encoder_opus_config\audio_encoder_opus_config.obj 01F6C06B: 16373 obj\api\audio_codecs\opus\audio_encoder_opus_config\audio_encoder_multi_channel_opus_config.obj 01F6C0CB: 16469 obj\modules\audio_coding\audio_coding_opus_common\audio_coder_opus_common....
The SIPSorcery library for WebRTC infrastructure and Windows audio and video capture. - sipsorcery/sipsorcery-media