offerSdp = JSON.stringify(peerConnection.localDescription) // 发送 offer if (offerSdp) { socket.emit('offer', { userId, roomId: roomId.value, sdp: offerSdp, }) } } } const offer = await peerConnection.createOffer() await peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer) } 其中的onicecandidate事件,...
dataChannel.addEventListener('open', () => { // Data channel is open and ready for file transfer }); dataChannel.addEventListener('message', (event) => { // Receive file data from the remote peer handleFileData(; }); // Send a file to the remote peer function sendFile(fi...
receiveFile.buffer.push(data) receiveFile.receivedSize += data.byteLength // 更新进度条 receiveProgress.value = receiveFile.receivedSize // 更新接收速率 const interval = new Date().getTime() - receiveFile.time bitrateSpan.textContent = ` ${Math.round((data.byteLength * 8) / interval)}kbps`...
rtcpMuxPolicy:'require',bundlePolicy:'max-bundle',peerIdentity:'alice',// SRTP加密参数srtpCryptoSuites:['AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80'],};pc.createOffer(offerOptions).then(offer=>{returnpc.setLocalDescription(offer);});
Code Issues Pull requests A Progressive Web App for local file sharing pwa webrtc snapdrop Updated Aug 31, 2024 JavaScript pavlobu / deskreen Star 18k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer. ⭐️ St...
auto-check-install-local.bat : 自动检查安装node环境,并自动运行启动http模式服务 auto-check-install-server.bat : 自动检查安装node环境,并自动运行启动https模式服务概述图LicenseMIT License Copyright (c) 2022 iamtsm免责声明免责声明About webrtc file transfer tool,p2p网页在线文件传输,跨终端,不限平台,...
Dive into our interactive quizzes for a deeper understanding and a fun way to reinforce your knowledge. Javascript Basics ES6 Basics TypeScript Basics ❮ PrevNext ❯ Submit Do you find this helpful? YesNo About Us Privacy Policy for W3Docs Follow Us...
一步一步创建ASP.NET MVC5程序[Repository+Autofac+Automapper+SqlSugar](三)
The input source can be a physical device, such as a microphone, webcam or a local or remote file from the user’s hard drive or a remote network peer. The output of a MediaStream can be sent to one or more destinations: a local video or audio element, JavaScript code for post-proce...
(optional RTCAnswerOptions options); Promise<void> setLocalDescription(optional RTCSessionDescriptionInit description); Promise<void> setRemoteDescription(optional RTCSessionDescriptionInit description); Promise<void> addIceCandidate(optional RTCIceCandidateInit candidate); readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription...