conflict-resolution skills, reduce disagreements, and encourage cooperation in school. As part of the project, team members participate in discussions, define terms, and create posters illustrating examples of conflict and cooperation. Each student concludes the quest by completing a self-evaluation form...
3. A Short Quiz on The Rock Cycle A short quiz will be given to you to check how much you understood the topic. Be sure to recall the description of each type, where they may commonly be found, and examples of each type. Guide questions in studying for the topic: a. What are the...
Also, be sure and check out the Examples sections to see the incredible scope of WebQuests creative educators have put together. Be careful not to stay up too late on a school night exploring this site! EW LessonPlans More than 1,000 FREE LessonsReading, Writing, Math, Science, History &...
Perkins, D. N., & Simmons, R. (1988). Patterns of misunderstanding: An integrative model of misconceptions in science, mathematics, and programming. Review of Educational Research, 58(3), 303-326. Pickett, N., & Dodge, B. (2001). Rubrics for Web lessons. Online:http://su. edu/Web...
Teachers might adapt this activity for any century or for a more specific time period. Examples: Great Women of the Civil WarorGreat Women of the '90s. PROCESS Assign editorships.Arrange students into groups. Four to six make a good-sized group -- not too big, not too small. Each group...