在Webpack项目中,使用webpack-assets-manifest插件可以生成一个JSON文件,该文件将原始文件名与经过哈希处理后的版本进行匹配。这有助于缓存管理和确保客户端能够获取到最新的资源。以下是详细的步骤来配置和使用webpack-assets-manifest插件: 1. 安装并引入webpack-assets-manifest插件 首先,你需要在项目中安装webpack-...
constmanifest=newWebpackAssetsManifest();manifest.hooks.apply.tap("YourPluginName",function(manifest){// Do something heremanifest.set("some-key","some-value");});manifest.hooks.customize.tap("YourPluginName",function(entry,original,manifest,asset){// customize entry herereturnentry;});manifest....
This Webpack plugin will generate a JSON file that matches the original filename with the hashed version. - Pull requests · sharkcore/webpack-assets-manifest
webpack-pathed-assets-manifest-pluginBo**ob 上传3.39 KB 文件格式 zip webpack webpack-manifest-plugin webpack-pathed webpack-plugin 创建包含路径信息的清单文件 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 system-design 2025-02-26 13:48:36 积分:1 xlinkote 2025-02-26 13:48:19 ...
Manifest revision plugin for webpack Wouldn't it be neat if you could just supply a directory path, install a plugin and now magically all of the assets found were automatically auto-tagged with their md5 value so you can cache them forever? That's what this plugin does. For example, her...
Webpack plugin for copy externals assets to output and write to manifest - laotan/copy-webpack-externals-manifest