been developed over the ten years that Webpack has been in use. While plugin support for Vite is very good, you may find yourself in the situation where the plugin you rely on for your project doesn’t have a Vite equivalent, and this could become a blocker for your migration to Vite....
Following the migration guide I edited files and copied source files. I only build SPA. First, there is no easy way to get the path aliases from typescript into vite within the quasar.config.js. Second, vite is unable to load the src/css/app.sass and throws an error in the browser t...
If you have an existing app and want to start using Vite today, here is a list of resources to help you get migrated.
Describe the bug For some reasonnpm run stylelintdoesn't catch errors since the migration to vite. That's true on main and stable30 branches.
Nuxt3 默认使用 Vite,但您也可以选择使用 Webpack5 构建。 正如你所看到的,通过运行你的开发服务器,它会显示 Vite 的信息+你还可以非常明显地看到它的速度。 不确定是否有比这更官方的东西: TLDR:Nuxt3 都支持,但默认是 Vite。最...
Vue doesn’t force you into any specific decisions on how you handle development or bundling, but the ecosystem is aided by a number of tools such as the Vue CLI and, more recently, Vite js. So should you use Vite or the Vue CLI? When it comes to making that choice, it’s helpful...
2. For modules with high repackaging cost, replace @babel/runtime/helpers with @babel/runtime/helpers/esm during runtime by using the plug-in mechanism of Vite. To implement the replacement, you can configure an alias. So far, we have gone through the major problems in the migration proces...
The path of migration from webpack for the avg user will be hard. I like that the dev server is still bundling modules because ESM slower than raw ESM. I need to peel back more layers to try and get a standalone implementation working. ...
The path of migration from webpack for the avg user will be hard. I like that the dev server is still bundling modules because ESM slower than raw ESM. I need to peel back more layers to try and get a standalone implementation working. ...
bundler-vite: add client type export (close #1579) (#1580) (e3ed143) bundler-vite: upgrade vite to v5.4 (close #1598) (97af89c) bundler-webpack: add api field in sass-loader option type (#1588) (f3251b7) bundler-webpack: normalize loader options type (679cf8f) 2.0.0-rc.14 ...