这里webpack说libraryTarget: 'umd', // 将你的库以 UMD 格式导出,而这是前后端跨平台的解决方案 但是当我运行在nodejs中的时候报错:self is not defined。出现 “self is not defined” 错误通常是因为在使用 UMD 格式的模块时,代码中出现了类似 self 或 window 的全局对象的引用,但是在某些环境中(如 Node...
"self" is not defined error on server side generated entry filegregberge/loadable-components#276 Closed svnmmentioned this issueMar 18, 2019 jbghoulmentioned this issueMar 20, 2019 bl00mbermentioned this issueApr 4, 2019 alex-corymentioned this issueApr 18, 2019 ...
Or is that not the right place to find that? Or is there some simple require dependency that I could orientate myself after? Member alexander-akait commented Nov 4, 2020 Can you refactor the issue, it is not readable It is company code I cannot show it. Unfortunately, most likely you...
1. 快速创建⼯程环境 假设你已经有⼀份 ES6+Webpack 的代码⼯程环境,⽽且是可以顺利跑起来的;如果没有,可以 clone 我的 github 仓库:2. 安装及使⽤ worker-loader 2.1 安装依赖:$ npm install -D worker-loader # 或 $ yarn add worker-loader --dev 复制代码 2.2 代码中直接使⽤ ...
3module.exports =factory();4elseif(typeofdefine === 'function' &&define.amd)5define([], factory);6elseif(typeofexports === 'object')7exports["MyLibrary"] =factory();8else9root["MyLibrary"] =factory();10})(typeofself !== 'undefined' ? self :this,function() {11return_entry_...
worker.postMessage({question:'The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.',});worker.onmessage = ({ data: { answer } }) => {console.log(answer);};// worker-calculate.jsself.onmessage = ({ data: { question } }) => {self.postMessage({answer: 42,...
Web Worker 中的全局对象是 worker 对象本身,也即this和self引用的都是 worker 对象,说白了,就像上一段在my.worker.js的代码,this完全可以换成self,甚至可以省略。 为便于处理数据,Web Worker 本身也是一个最小化的运行环境,其可以访问或使用如下数据: ...
The base URL of your Sentry instance. Use this if you are using a self-hosted or Sentry instance other than sentry.io. This value can also be set via the SENTRY_URL environment variable. Defaults tohttps://sentry.io/, which is the correct value for SaaS customers. ...
I found an indirect "solution". I am not happy with because it will get tedious with larger libraries. But maybe it helps others with small ones. tldr: Basically I import the library's src files and compile them by myself. Installed the dependenciespopover-pluginandpopper-plugin(browser told...