var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); var nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals'); var CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin"); var config = { target: 'node', externals: [node...
webpack.config.js var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var htmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); var nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals'); var CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin"); var config = { target: 'node'...
I am now having a problem regarding require.context, it throws errors that it cannot resolve module abc/def/ghiTest.js in blablablatoabc/ even though the path is blablablatoabc/abc/def/ghiTest.js.. do you know how to solve that or should i open up a new ticket? The require context...
I met the same problem with just a one line js (only console.log), theruntimeChunk: 'single'can solve the problem. But I don’t know the reason, why “webpack_requireis not defined” ? Could someone pls tell me the cause? m.herrmannJune 7, 2023, 8:18am5 I can...
After executing 'yarn dev', the server is up, and I get the localhost port. when I open the localhost URL on Chrom the UI is white, and I do not see the app. In the console getting the error ''Uncaught ReferenceError: webpack_require is not defined at u/newrelic" ...
环境不一样,在webpack.config.js里面使用require是node环境,在你的案例里面使用require是浏览器环境,浏览器中没有require,所以会报错; 疑问点在于为什么可以在.vue文件中使用require不会报错,因为.vue文件会经过编译之后再投入使用,编译的过程也是node环境,所以有require; 如果要在浏览器环境中使用require就需要引用Requi...
编译时警告 warning: Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression 运行时报错 error : Cannot find module ‘XXX’. 分析 查了些资料,webpack打包本身不支持动态加载。打包时,webpack会进行打包分析 ,无论是import 还是 require的路径内容,都必须要在编译时就找到,否则打包后 路径就有问题...
你尝试一下把使用babel-preset-env包,import export 语法 是ES7的规范 把babel的配置文件改成使用preset...
你尝试一下把使用babel-preset-env包,import export 语法 是ES7的规范 把babel的配置文件改成使用preset...