loader.match(loaderNameRe); if (loaderName !== newLoaderName) { return false; } // Replace query values with newer ones mergeWith(entry, newEntry); return true; } smartStrategy 方法 smartStrategy 方法不同于 smart 方法只处理 module.rules 配置项,smartStrategy 方法对整个 webpack 配置进行...
9[s:string]: CustomizeRule | CustomizeRuleString | Rules; 10}; 11declarefunctionmergeWithRules(rules: Rules): (firstConfiguration: object | object[], ...configurations: object[]) =>object; 12declarefunctioncustomizeObject(rules: { 13[s:string]: CustomizeRule | CustomizeRuleString; ...
7. webpack module 优化配置-oneOf 每个不同类型的文件在loader转换时,会遍历module中rules中所有loader,即使已经匹配到某个规则了也会继续向下匹配。而如果将规则放在 oneOf 属性中,则一旦匹配到某个规则后,就停止匹配了。 配置如下: rules:[ { test:/\.js$/, exclude:/node_modules/, loader:"eslint-load...
这些加载器可以在Webpack配置中的 module.rules 中进行定义。 10. Webpack的Tree Shaking是什么?如何配置实现代码的无用代码剔除? Webpack的Tree Shaking是一个用于删除代码中未被引用的未使用代码的优化技术。 它可以显著减小打包后的文件体积,提高网页加载速度。 要配置Webpack实现代码的无用代码剔除,需要进行以下...
module.exports = merge(baseWebpackConfig, { module: { // 样式文件的处理规则,对css/sass/scss等不同内容使用相应的styleLoaders // 由utils配置出各种类型的预处理语言所需要使用的loader,例如sass需要使用sass-loader rules: utils.styleLoaders({ sourceMap: config.dev.cssSourceMap }) }, // cheap-module...
Webpack中配置ESLint Webpack图片处理 在Webpack中,一切皆模块,图片也不例外,也需要我们单独处理一下 安装 图片处理是通过 url-loader npm install --save-dev url-loader@4.1.1 1. 增加配置 { test: /\.(png|svg|jpe?g|gif)$/i, use: {
module.exports=(env,argv)=>{// ...// 模块配置module:{rules:[{test:/\.md$/i,// use: './loader/markdown-loader'use:['html-loader',// './loader/markdown-loader'{loader:'./loader/markdown-loader',options:{size:20}}]},]}// ...}...
merge.smart(...configuration | [...configuration]) webpack-merge tries to be smart about merging loaders when merge.smart is used. Loaders with matching tests will be merged into a single loader value. Note that the logic picks up webpack 2 rules kind of syntax as well. The examples bel...
mergeWithRules To support advanced merging needs (i.e. merging within loaders), mergeWithRules includes additional syntax that allows you to match fields and apply strategies to match. Consider the full example below: const a = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/, use: [{ loader: ...
// Merge with env dependent settingsmodule:{mode:'development',rules:[{test:/\.js$/,exclude:/...