/**可能会报错:smart is not a function*/这是因为webpack-merge版本不兼容,需要制定版本:npm install webpack-merge@4.2.1-D/**如果出现报错:Error: Cannot find module 'webpack-cli/bin/config-yargs,这个也是版本不兼容问题,需要指定一下版本号*/终端运行命令:npm install webpack-cli@3.3-D 安装成功后...
webpack-merge provides a merge function that concatenates arrays and merges objects creating a new object. If functions are encountered, it will execute them, run the results through the algorithm, and then wrap the returned values within a function again. This behavior is particularly useful in ...
参数:词法单元数组tokens function parser(tokens) {}; 词法分析器「词法分析器方法」 tokenizer 的主要任务:遍历整个原始代码字符串,将原始代码字符串转换为「...,抛出错误提示,并退出 throw new TypeError('I dont know what this character is: ' + char); } // 词法分析器的最后返回词法单元数组......
Breaking fix -merge.smartshould not merge a child missinginclude/excludeto a parent that has either. This is safer and more predictable behavior than the old one. #69 2.6.1 / 2017-01-29 Bug fix -merge.smartshould not merge rules that have differingenforcefields. #65 ...
1. 在 更改视图“记账期间:指定时间间隔”:概览屏幕上,找到 变式为0010,科目类型为A 的相关行,进行下述操作。 2. 进行以下输入: 字段名称用户操作和值注释起始期间<新期间>科目类型 A 的新期间年<实际年度>或年末 <新的年度>科目类型 A 的年度终止期间<允许的最长过帐期间> 年< ...
fix all @statoscope-deps version for not to old versions 5.3.0 (30 June 2021)Features[webpack-plugin] collect compressed (e.g. gzip) size of the resources (assets and modules) There is a new compressor - option that can be false | 'gzip' | ['gzip', ZlibOptions] | CompressFunction...
module.exports = merge.smart(require('./webpack.base.js'), { entry: { cms: [ './index', ], cms: './index', }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: '[name].js', }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.scss$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style...
This configuration file uses the“merge”function from“webpack-merge”to merge the base configuration from“webpack.config.js”with the development-specific settings. It sets the mode to“development”and enables inline source maps for easier debugging. ...
The deprecated fileBuffer function is no longer available. Update your code to use stringToFileBuffer instead to maintain compatibility. Note: that this change does not affect application developers. @angular/build The @angular/localize/init polyfill will no longer be added automatically to projects....
I'm not sure what changed. I recently upgraded from Angular 10 to 11, but I have since been able to compile successfully. Now all of a sudden Im getting that error. webpack.renderer.additions.js : const merge = require('webpack-merge'); const AngularCompilerPlugin = require('@ngtools...