The fact that your code works under gatsby develop and not in gatsby build is, summarizing, because gatsby develop is handled by the browser, where there are global objects (such as window or document). gatsby build id compiled in the Node server, where obviously there's no window or ...
在webpack.base.config.js中不配置样式相关的loader: # 基本配置constpath=require('path')constwebpack=require('webpack')const{VueLoaderPlugin} =require('vue-loader')constFriendlyErrorsPlugin=require('friendly-errors-webpack-plugin')constresolve= dir => path.join(__dirname,'../', dir)constisProd...
This rules out the first suggestion of adding checks fordocument. Adding checks in the project itself also did not yield desirable results. React's job is to take the JSX written and converting it into HTML and manipulating the document object model of the browser directly. The best solution ...
React-webpack开发需要的那些坑 nvariant Violation: _registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element. 就是一个找不到DOM节点的问题,用jQuery的domReady或者直接把js文件放到页面最后就好了。 引用: document is not defined React毕竟是一个前端库...
1)报错Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead,extract-text-webpack-plugin目前版本不支持webpack4 2)报错:CssSyntaxError (2:1) Unknown word loader的引入顺序, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'] 3)报错:document is not defined style-loader和extract-text-webpack-plugin组...
15、Module build failed: ReferenceError: document is not defined image.png 原因:暂时无法解释 解决: 解决 使用fallback就不报这个错误了 16、vue项目配置 autoprefixer 报出警告问题 image.png 解决方案:将postcss.config.js中的browsers改成overrideBrowserslist ...
多次在其他页面切换时会出现“VM2358:1494 Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined”这个异常,...
Operating System: MacOs Catalina Node Version: 13.3.0 NPM Version: 6.13.2 webpack Version: 4.41.2 style-loader Version: 1.0.1 Expected Behavior Successfully compiled code Actual Behavior ReferenceError: document is not defined Code Entry...
libData; // body宽高 let cw = 1900, ch = 960 let body = document.getElementById('body') = `${cw}px` = `${ch}px` // 对body进行缩放 function windowResize() { // 窗口宽高 let w = window.innerWidth, h = window.innerHeight //窗口最小宽高度...