webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, { headers: (req, res, context) => { res.setHeader("Last-Modified", new Date()); }, });orwebpackDevMiddleware(compiler, { headers: [ { key: "X-custom-header", value: "foo", }, { key: "Y-custom-header", value: "bar", }, ], });...
A development middleware for webpack. Contribute to webpack/webpack-dev-middleware development by creating an account on GitHub.
added the cacheImmutable option to cache immutable assets (assets with a hash in file name likeimage.e12ab567.jpg) (5ed629d) allow to configure theCache-Controlheader (#1923) (f7529c3) Bug Fixes supportdevServer: false(b443f4d)
接口自动化测试平台(老平台移步master_old分支). Contribute to githublitao/api_automation_test development by creating an account on GitHub.
github地址: https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware 练习代码地址: (webpackDevMiddleware 文件夹,下载执行命令即可) https://github.com/webxiaoma/webpack-domes 使用方法 一、文件目录 二、安装 webpack,webpack-dev-middleware,style-loader,css-loader ...
/ https://github.com/broofa/node-mime#mimedefine// https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware/pull/150stats:{colors:true},// options for formating the statisticsreporter:null,// Provide a custom reporter to change the way how logs are shown.serverSideRender:false,// Turn off the ...
github地址: https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-middleware 练习代码地址: (webpackDevMiddleware 文件夹,下载执行命令即可) https://github.com/webxiaoma/webpack-domes 使用方法 一、文件目录 二、安装 webpack,webpack-dev-middleware,style-loader,css-loader ...
webpack dev&hot middleware for koa2. Contribute to leecade/koa-webpack-middleware development by creating an account on GitHub.
A development middleware for webpack. Contribute to Mortaro/webpack-dev-middleware development by creating an account on GitHub.
entry:{main:['webpack-hot-middleware/client','./src/main.js']} This connects to the server to receive notifications when the bundle rebuilds and then updates your client bundle accordingly. Now add the middleware into your server: Addwebpack-dev-middlewarethe usual way ...