mkdir webpack-for-react yarn init -y 第一条语句是创建文件夹 第二条语句是初始化 package.json 默认格式如下 { "name": "webpack-for-react", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "license": "MIT", } 下面我们使用yarn 安装上面提到过的 工具和依赖 yarn add react react-dom prop-ty...
The default service worker that comes with create-react-app doesn't allow for very much configuration. We'll replace that default service worker in two ways. First, we'll create a blank service worker js file, and use that as our custom service worker. Next, we'll re-write the default ...
The'mode'option has not been set, webpack will fallback to'production'forthisvalue.Set'mode'option to'development'or'production'to enable defaultsforeach environment. Youcan also set it to'none'to disableanydefaultbehavior.Learnmore: ERRORin./main.js7...
npm install webpack-cli--save 安装后,执行 npm run dev 会发现控制台有个警告WARNING in configuration,去除WARNING in configuration 警告,在 增加一个配置即可: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ...mode:'development'... 成功之后会在dev下面生成bundle.min.js代表正常。 如果想要动态监听文件...
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server react-refresh @anansi/webpack-config If using sass, be sure to install it as well yarn add --dev sass Configuration /webpack.config.js const{makeConfig}=require('@anansi/webpack-config');// See #options belowconstoptions={...
5.react 6.配置loader(sass,jsx)) 7.引入babel 8.使用HtmlWebpackPlugin 9.redux 10.使用webpack-dev-server 11.多入口页面配置 12.如何理解entry point(bundle),chunk,module 13.多入口页面html配置 14.模块热替换(Hot Module Replacement) 15.使用ESLint ...
I'm using the react library and building using webpack. When I try building a base64 version of a pdf using pdfmake within my react app I get the following error: Uncaught File 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system I've r...
Uncaught Error:locals[0]does not appear to be a`module`objectwithHot Module replacementAPIenabled.You should disable react-transform-hmrinproduction by using`env`sectioninBabel configuration.See the exampleinREADME: ...
--save 是将当前webpack安装到react-family-bucket下的/node_modules。--g 是将当前webpack安装到全局下面,可以在node的安装目录下找到全局的/node_modules。2.配置webopack配置文件touch 3.新建一个app.jstouch app.js 写入基本的webpack配置,可以参考这里:...
日常工作来说,比如在开发vue、react、angular等项目的过程中我们需要一些特殊的配置:比如给某些目录结构起别名,让我们的项目支持sass、less等预处理器,希望在项目中手动的添加TypeScript的支持,都需要对webpack进行一些特殊的配置工作。 当然,除了日常工作之外,如果我们希望将在原有的脚手架上来定制一些自己的特殊配置提供...