首先我自己觉得最方便也一劳永逸的方法就是安装 Chrome 插件:Save Image as Type。使用方法很简单,进入插件安装界面,点击「Add to Chrome」。 Chrome会弹出窗口如下,点击「添加扩展程序」。 安装成功Chrome会弹窗提示如下: 此时,到你想下载图片的网站,对着图片点击鼠标右键,右键选项会多一个选项「图片另存为JPG/PNG...
开启Save image as Type 扩充功能页面,点选右上角「这项扩充功能安装后浏览器右键选单会多一个「Save image as Type」选项。只要在图片点选右键,找到「Save image as Type」就能選擇把圖片儲存為 JPG、PNG 或 WebP 三種格式,而且也能在不同格式之間直接轉換。当使用者在WebP 图片点选右键,选择Save image a...
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-image-as-type/gabfmnliflodkdafenbcpjdlppllnemd Chrome扩展图片另存为JPG/PNG/WebP并不能自动批量转换大量图片的格式, 如果你有大量转换图片格式的需求, 可以尝试使用XnConvert这款软件, 官网下载地址:https://www.xnview.com/en/xnconvert/#downloads XnConvert...
上一张 Copy WebP as PNG chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Copy WebP as PNG chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 将.webp 图像复制到剪贴板时将其转换为 .png。 右键单击那些烦人的 webp 图像,然后随意“复制为 PNG”到剪贴板。其他一些扩展允许“另存为 PNG”,但这不是我想要的。所以我创建了自...
开启Save image as Type 扩充功能页面,点选右上角「加到 Chrome」下载安装。 这项扩充功能安装后浏览器右键选单会多一个「Save image as Type」选项。 只要在图片点选右键,找到「Save image as Type」就能选择把图片储存为 JPG、PNG 或 WebP 三种格式,而且也能在不同格式之间直接转换。
Does TinyPNG support WebP images? Yes, TinyPNGsupports WebPimages. Our compression feature enables users to achieve the most optimal results when working with WebP files. WebP, a web image file format created by Google, is supported by major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera. ...
resulting in smaller file sizes compared to JPEG and PNG formats. WebP is supported by major web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera, as well as popular image editing software like Photoshop. It supports both lossy and lossless transparency, making it suitable for images with alp...
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) PNG is a raster format for storing graphic information using lossless compression using the Deflate algorithm. PNG was created as a free format to replace another popular format at that time, which was distributed under a closed license. The PNG format is positioned...
除此之外,我们还可下载适用于Linux、Windows或macOS的预编译cwebp转换工具(https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/precompiled),将您喜爱的收藏从PNG和JPEG转换为WebP。 二进制包方式安装 描述: 用于Linux、Windows和macOS的预编译WebP实用程序和库。它们包括: ...