MIS Webmail (EQ Webmail) MIS Webmail, established in Queensland, Australia, is an educational system offering free webmail services for students across Australia – it is funded by their respective governments. It features a secure login system to protect user data and offers robust support services...
zone "111.16.172.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "172.16.111.zone"; }; :wq 保存退出 然后去编辑正向、反向区域配置文件 [root@localhost ~]# vim /var/named/doubao.com.zone ##//添加内容: $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA ns.doubao.com. admin.doubao.com. ( 2013042801 2H 5M 3D...
西安交通大学电子邮件系统 - Powered by EQMail! webmail.xl-2.net WebMail To log-in to WebMail please enter your email address and password below. webmail.xla.com Bluehost.com There is no website configured at this address. You are seeing this page because there is nothing configured for the...
service postfix restart tail /var/log/maillog出现如下行,说明没有出错 Apr 16 21:58:53 station45 postfix/master[18176]: daemon started -- version2.9.6, configuration/etc/postfix netstat -tnlp查看是否启动25号端口 4、此时可使用本地用户测试邮件收发了 先建用户并添加密码 useradd hadoop echo "hadoop...
25.zone "111.16.172.in-addr.arpa" { 26. type master; 27. file "172.16.111.zone"; 28. }; 29.:wq 保存退出 然后去编辑正向、反向区域配置文件 1. 2. [root@localhost ~]# vim /var/named/doubao.com.zone 3. ##//添加内容: 4. $TTL 86400 ...
smtp IN CNAME mail [root@mail ~]# vim /var/named/192.168.0.db #反向区域及内容 $TTL 600 @ IN SOA ns.zzu.com. admin.zzu.com. ( 2012071201 30M 15M 1W 1D) IN NS ns.zzu.com. 100 IN PTR mail.zzu.com. 100 IN PTR www.zzu.com. ...
zone "jll.come" IN { type master; file "jll.com.zone"; }; zone "50.16.17.in-addr.arpa" IN { type master; file "172.16.50.zone"; }; named-checkconf /etc/named.conf检查语法 5、提供配置文件 vim /var/named/jll.com.zone $TTL 86400 ...