A simple list of initialized plugins. This list gets populated when the plugins are initialized (at browser startup, at the moment). This member is deprecated. This interface was intended to be used by Gears. Since Gears was deprecated, so is this class....
luakit is a fast, light and simple to use micro-browser framework extensible by Lua using the WebKit web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit. Don't Panic! You don't have to be a developer to use luakit on a daily basis. If you are familiar with vimperator, pentadactyl, jumanji, uzbl...
public class WebKitBrowserCore : IWebKitBrowser { // static variables private static ActivationContext _activationContext; private static int _actCtxRefCount;// private member variables... private IWebView _webView; private IntPtr _webViewHwnd; private IWebKitBrowserHost _webKitBrowserHost; ...
Unfortunately, I found a case that the video doesn't cover when profiling my browser app using Instruments: As shown in the image, the hangs still occur even though my main thread is not busy, and I've also used the 'Thread State Trace instrument' to confirm that the main thread is no...
WebKit open source web browser engine. Copyright© 2015 Apple, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your...
Implement a simple iPad web browser that can view either the desktop or mobile version of a website. classWKWebView An object that displays interactive web content, such as for an in-app browser. protocolWKUIDelegate The methods for presenting native user interface elements on behalf of a web...
DomHtmlDListElement DomHtmlDocument DomHtmlElement DomHtmlEmbedElement DomHtmlFieldSetElement DomHtmlFontElement DomHtmlFormElement DomHtmlFrameElement DomHtmlFrameSetElement DomHtmlHeadElement DomHtmlHeadingElement DomHtmlHRElement DomHtmlHtmlElement DomHtmlIFrameElement DomHtmlImageElement DomHtmlInputElement DomHtml...
Also, hey EU peeps, the reason Safari is opening on my device is because a) I pressed on the app icon to open it, or b) it’s already my default browser. Either way, trying to force me to look at your **AD** for other browsers is the absolute LEAST LIKELY way to get ...
DomStyleSheetList DomText DomUIEvent DomWheelEvent DragDestinationGetActionMask DragSourceGetActionMask IDomEventListener IDomEventTarget IDomNodeFilter IIndexedContainer<T> IWebDocumentRepresentation IWebDownloadDelegate IWebFrameLoadDelegate IWebOpenPanelResultListener IWebPolicyDecisionListener IWebPolicyDelegate ...