which then trigger the flow inApp Connect. For example, if you add anEventbriteNew attendee event to your flow,Eventbriteuses the webhook callback URL to trigger the flow when a new attendee is added to your event.
www.example.com Callback URL SdkAppid The SDKAppID assigned by the IM console when the app is created CallbackCommand Fixed value: Group.CallbackSendMsgException. contenttype Fixed value: JSON. OptPlatform Client platform. For valid values, see the description of OptPlatform in the Callback Proto...
In technical terms, a webhook is basically a user-defined HTTP callback that is triggered when a particular event occurs at the source site. When the event occurs, the source site makes an HTTP request to the URL specified as a webhook. Some applications of web hooks are: Notifications Data...
Callback URL: The HTTPS endpoint that accepts JSON payloads and receives POST requests from Teams. Description: A detailed string that appears in the profile card and the team-level app dashboard. Profile picture: An app icon for your webhook, which is optional. Select Cre...
含义:客户侧HTTP接口url:可以是一个完整的url,如果客户接口url中带有query参数变量,则对应参数可以先不写在这里,而是在下文的query配置中进行配置。 示例: 请求方法 含义:访问客户接口时使用的HTTP方法。 当前支持GET和POST。 需要注意的是,如果选择了GET方法,则不可以设置请求体,即下述的Content-Type和body配置这两...
For example, and localhost URIs will not work. The URL endpoint must be listening on port 443 or 8443 (decided by the customer when defining the callback URL). Make sure the webhook supports POST requests for incoming event notifications and GET requests for the verification request...
deployment_callback_url string The URL to review the deployment protection rule. deployment object A request for a specific ref(branch,sha,tag) to be deployed Properties of deployment pull_requests array of objects Properties of pull_requests repository object The repository on GitHub where ...
Webhook 可使用基于令牌的身份验证进行身份验证,其中将具有令牌 ID 的 Webhook URI 保存为查询参数。 例如https://mysamplealert/webcallback?tokenid=123-abc456-7890&myparameter2=value123。 生成自动缩放通知时,以下元数据会包含在 webhook 负载中:
Webhook 可以选择使用基于令牌的授权进行身份验证。 保存的 webhook URI 具有令牌 ID,例如,https://mysamplealert/webcallback?tokenid=sometokenid&someparameter=somevalue。 负载架构 POST 操作中包含的 JSON 有效负载因有效负载的data.context.activityLog.eventSource字段而异。
通常情况下,支持 WebHook 的功能的软件中能够定义一些自定义回调函数(Custom Callback Function),来让其他的外部程序在合适的时候调用这些函数,让一些被预先定义好的程序被调用,特别适合一些场景: •比如,常见的耗时比较久的程序执行完毕,推送信息到用户,可以回调一个通知接口。•比如,常见的多次跳转的支付过程,当用...