contextlost (experimental):当获取的CanvasRenderingContext2D上下文丢失时会触发 contextrestored (experimental):在用户代理恢复CanvasRenderingContext2D时会触发 webglcontextcreatingerror:在用户无法创建WebGLRenderingContext上下文时触发 webglcontextlost:在用户代理检测到绘制缓冲关联的WebGLRenderingContext上下文丢失时会...
The WebGLRenderingContext.isContextLost() method returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the WebGL context has been lost. Syntax gl.isContextLost(); Return value A Boolean. True if the context is lost, false otherwise. Examples For example, when checking for program linking success, you ...
了解cesium 的童鞋应该知道,一般情况下,一个 viewer 对应着一个 webgl context,如果有多个就会存在多个 WebGLRenderingContext。 如果还不了解 WebGLRenderingContext 是什么的童鞋,建议去了解学习下 webgl 相关的知识,下面送上学习链接: 对于...
CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL GLenum 是 UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL GLenum 是 BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL GLenum 是 canvas HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas 是 drawingBufferWidth GLsizei 是 drawingBufferHeight GLsizei 是 方法 方法返回值类型 getContextAttributes() WebGLContextAttributes | null isContextLost()...
On iOS 17 Developer Beta 8 on tablets only (so iPadOS), we are seeing the error "WebGL: context lost." in the Web Inspector Console, after backgrounding Safari that is viewing a WebGL application. We are utilizing BabylonJS for a 3D rendering application. In some instances, backgrounding ...
The WEBGL_lose_context.loseContext() method is part of the WebGL API and allows you to simulate losing the context of a WebGLRenderingContext context. It triggers the steps described in the WebGL specification for handling context lost. The context will remain lost until WEBGL_lose_context...
Note: This feature is available in Web Workers. The WebGLRenderingContext.getContextAttributes() method returns a WebGLContextAttributes object that contains the actual context parameters. Might return null, if the context is lost. Syntax jsCopy to Clipboard getContextAttributes() ...
"WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost" After that, none of my highcharts graph are showing up, it always fail with: TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'. at h (webpack-internal:///1770:13:40...
WebGL context was lost. Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL creation failed: * tryANGLE (FEATURE_FAILURE_EGL_NO_CONFIG) * Exhausted GL driver options. (FEATURE_FAILURE_WEBGL_EXHAUSTED_DRIVERS) An error occurred while rendering. Rendering has stopped. ...